At 17 months Grayson:
- Is walking as of 5.31.13, now walking 100% of the time and can walk backwards, go up and down stairs and turn around without any problems.
- Got his 8th tooth on 6.5.13 and is working on #9.
- Started saying: ding dong, diaper, PJs, hello, go (as in "where'd it go?"), bye, back (as in "will you be right back?" when I leave the room or put shoes on), more and milk.
- Has been pointing with a guttural "gmm" sound, wanting to know what everything is called.
- LOVES singing and does so all day long with the sweetest little voice.
- Has started wanting to drop his AM nap on occasion but most of the time still takes both AM and PM naps for 1-2 hours.
- Loves using and eating off of a fork.
- Will now drink from a straw cup for all feedings except his bedtime bottle.
- Started smiling on cue for photos. Be still my heart.
- Is between 12 and 18 month clothes, still wearing size 4 diapers.
- Is starting to get a little tall for his infant carseat.
- Sleeps consistently with his paci, blankie, and his left hand under his shirt and against his mouth and nose (reminiscent of his many months spent swaddled).
- Likes to throw everything in the trash.
- Loves looking at books by himself and being read to.
- Would spend all day every day outside if I let him.
- Is honestly and seriously the most affectionate, sweet and cuddly little kid I've ever met. He is a little bundle of everything good about having children and I'm trying to soak in every minute with him at this age.
On the 23rd we had his last Modified Barium Swallow, to test for continuing dysphasia as a result of the damage to his esophagus from allergies. I was surprised to see that he was still having significant penetration of his airway when using a bottle while sitting, but thankfully he did well swallowing the ultra-thin barium through his straw cup. The speech therapist who has been with us through this was encouraged and is allowing us to continue with unthickened liquids through a slow flow straw cup. Because of this we will begin weaning him from his nighttime bottle, something that I don't think will be difficult on nights when he is feeling well and his normal happy self. She assured us it was most likely weak muscles that are causing the continued aspiration, not the presence of more unidentified allergies. We won't know for sure until his next scope in September but that made me hopeful that we are on the road to strengthening those swallowing muscles and not causing any more damage!
Twice I have tried giving Grayson the new Oscar Meyer all natural, all beef hot dogs to expand my options for serving easy protein. However, both times he has developed a bad yeast rash within a few days so those are out and we can add either beef or one of the few other ingredients in those to the list of allergies.