...give thanks to the LORD, call on his name; make known among the nations what he has done... isaiah 12:4


Monday, January 30, 2012

Modified Bed Rest

On Tuesday I had my 34 week appointment and follow-up from our trip to the hospital.  We waltzed in, me on my wheelchair with Blair and Ava in toe.  The doctor looked at me, stunned, and said, "What are you doing?!  Did something happen since I saw you in the hospital?"  I was already trying to hold back tears and replied, "No, you put me on strict bed rest, remember?"  His response, "Uh, some lines got crossed somewhere, you can walk around!"  I felt like a bit of a doofus and was simultaneously furious after the stressful week we'd had trying to scramble together 24/7 help for me to make this bed rest possible.  I was also struck with half relief and half terror at the thought of being allowed to go back to 'taking it easy', something that without help left me contracting the night away and making trips to the hospital.

When we got into the exam room, the doctor came in and explained that in short, the wrong box had been checked on our outpatient form.  He had meant me to be on Modified Bed Rest and instead I was put on Strict Bed Rest, complete with anxiety and a serious directive from the nurses about the risks involved if I were to deliver before 36 weeks.  An honest mistake but one that cost us a considerable amount of worry and inconvenience.

That said, we are relieved to know the alert level on my uterus has been lowered and there is no serious risk of me delivering dangerously early as long as I take it very easy.  We have still been calling on family and friends to come and help--without it it is nearly impossible to rest when my body tells me to while under the rule of one busy little Ava.  But, it is nice to know I can get up to make myself a snack, get Ava to the potty on time or do even more if we have a gap in our schedule of helpers.  What a relief to know I won't single-handedly usher this baby into the world before he's ready simply by doing a few dishes.

Thank you for all of your prayers and to those who have offered help and meals.  At my appointment I was not showing any internal signs of preterm labor and though I've continued to have cramping and contracting, none have been regular since our trip to the hospital.  Though this is not how we imagined it playing out, those prayers were answered!  I am just 6 days shy of the 36 week mark that we were praying for and it feels wonderful to have it in reach.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Bed Rest.

Early yesterday morning I awoke with more contractions and this time I called my doctor's office and we were instructed to go to the hospital.  Though I was not in real labor (and of course the contractions had slowed by the time I was being monitored), the doctor diagnosed my uterus as an "irritable" one.  Lovely.

In short, I was put on strict bed rest.  My heart sunk at this news.  I knew my body wasn't doing well but all out bed rest?  Like, no-laundry-no-cooking-only-get-up-to-pee kind of bed rest?  At another time, this directive might sound like winning the jackpot but I had already begun to morn the loss of my plans, my to-do list getting done, my clean floors, and most of all, the picture of what my last few weeks alone with Ava would look like.  Granted, I had already self-imposed a great decline in my activity around the house (and almost totally withdrawn from any out of the house activity), but without help there is a certain measure of meal-cooking, laundry carrying and 2-year old bathing, wiping and cleaning up after that is unavoidable.  And apparently still too much for my irritable uterus.

24 hours into said bed rest, I must say it is both hard and a relief.  This is what my body has been craving and needing but it is so difficult to lie on the couch, see a million things that need to be done, and order an already busy husband to go run after Ava for a trip to the bathroom, remind him that the steaming broccoli is overdone and oh yeah, could you get me a snack while you're at it?  That said, I did underestimate how delightful it would be to have nothing better to do than pay attention to my daughter. Though I can't play on the floor, give her a bath, refill her milk cup or go places with her for a few weeks, I didn't foresee how sweet it would be to be so available to just talk with her and snuggle at a moments notice.

Now, while I lay here, I will set my energy toward prayer.  Praying that this little guy makes it at least 3 more weeks in there (if he decides to come earlier we will have to take an ambulance ride to a hospital much farther away that can accommodate pre-term babies).  Praying for no more regular contractions, for the abundance of help we will need around here to be provided, for all of us to stay healthy in the meantime and that I might be able to let go of my desire to DO and just rest.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

To Labor or Not

For a few weeks now I've been pretty ready to get this baby out.  Though, last night when that dream became a real possibility, I suddenly found myself keenly aware of what it might mean to have a baby 7 weeks early, and heard myself thinking, "Oh, God, please not yet!"

Around 12am I was lying in bed and started having some pretty strong cramping--strong enough to keep me awake.  It wasn't coming and going in regular intervals but was pretty steady with some very painful peaks every few minutes.  I decided to get out of bed and join Blair who was still awake upstairs.  While sitting down, I started to have Braxton Hicks contractions every 2 1/2 - 3 minutes which continued to be accompanied by some painful cramping.  We timed these for about an hour before I started to walk around and stretch.  This helped to lengthen the time between the contractions and at times lessen the cramping, solidifying that this was in fact a false labor.  The cramping and contracting kept me up for a total of four exhausting hours, reminding me of the excitement and hard work that is labor.  Maybe I can wait a little while longer!

All this to say, Blair and I are officially motivated now to actually go buy a package of newborn diapers, dust off the bassinet and get going on all of our other pre-baby to-do's.

Monday, January 9, 2012

32 Weeks

I was surprised to find out today that I lost two pounds in the last two weeks.  The doctor said it's not too concerning unless it's a continuing trend, but it is still a little worrisome to me.  I have also been having intermittent cramping, which again isn't a concern in itself but still isn't a great sign.

My take on it is that I've been doing too much around the house and not eating enough, both of which are "easy" fixes but difficult for this stubborn, wanna be busy-bee.  I have a hard time staring a to-do list in the face and lying down instead, but given that I've been feeling so lousy I really do owe it to myself and this little one to slow it down a bit.  Not a simple task with an almost three-year-old, a recent total home makeover and a personality that is always desiring uber-productivity.  Lord, help me!

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Catch Up

Pregnancy has not been kind to my body and therefore I have not had the energy or time to keep up with our blog!  For that I apologize and I hope that it's not a continuing trend post-baby.  Instead of trying to crank out ten posts today, I am going to attempt an abridged version of our household goings-on these last few weeks.

I fear I'm even less likely to write post-holidays since it takes me about two weeks to recover and about two months to upload photos.  That said, we had a fantastic and family-filled Thanksgiving and Christmas and Ava loved getting some time away from home.  She has become quite the flexible traveler and now does very well in new situations, with new foods, people or sleeping arrangements.

Christmas was especially delightful as this was the first year Ava really understood the full excitement of the Christmas morning tradition.  She waited quasi-patiently at the top of the stairs for mom and dad to get dressed and ready and then tore into all that the day had to offer.  Besides the expected new lesson that not all gifts are for her and the lessons of patience and gift-giving, what a joy it was to watch her open her presents with awe and wonder and trembling hands.  She kept saying things like, "What is it?!  What could it be?!" and "Woah, cool!  I'm so excited!"  Experiencing Christmas through her eyes really was a thrill.

Ava waiting patiently on the steps on Christmas morning

Moving Day
Blair has had some time off between semesters and his schedule has been substantially lighter.  I have of course capitalized on this and given him a lengthy honey-do list to complete before mid-January!  As my belly has become increasingly more inhibitive, I've enjoyed having him around to not only to carry loads of laundry downstairs and pick up things off the floor, but to also do many of the preparations for our "moving day" which took place last week.

Our upstairs bedroom is to become the nursery and guest room, and we moved our master bedroom to the finished basement.  I spent the weeks prior to moving day painting a design on one of the walls down there (a task much more difficult than I originally imagined) which though exhausting, has really helped to transform that room into a much more luxurious space.

The "hand-painted wallpaper" that I finished for our new master bedroom

Moving day also involved setting up Ava's new bed, dresser and nightstand which she couldn't have been more excited about.  She has loved having a bigger bed, has done very well with no bed rails, and is slowly adjusting to having mommy and daddy a little farther away.  I've also overhauled the orientation of the rest of our furniture, storage and layout to better suit our incoming arrival.  Ava has been a good sport though she'll be glad when mommy's all done moving things and throwing things out while she's asleep (especially her things).  While we still have a lot of work to do around here of the big and the small variety, it feels very good to finally have a space that is capable of welcoming a baby!

Ava's new big-girl room

The Ava Girl
Ava has really been a trooper with all of the changes going on around here.  She's lately been a bit more clingy and "mopey" as I like to say, but she's fairing pretty well.  She is growing so much and is still as sharp as a tack, always thinking, always asking questions and astounding us with the connections her little brain makes.  Today I made chili for the first time in awhile and she said, "Mom, there are two chili's.  That up there (pointing to the stove) and then how it's chilly outside!"  Genius.  All day long she asks what everything means, why things are the way they are, and is into classifying her vast amounts of knowledge.  For instance, a regular conversation at the table for us goes something like, "I like oranges.  Are oranges healthy?"  "Yes, very healthy."  "Are they healthy for your baby?"  "Yep."  "Broccoli is really healthy.  Is mac & cheese healthy?"  "No, but it's ok to eat every so often."  "It's not healthy?  But it tastes so good?  Is candy healthy?"  And so on!  This girl loves to learn and I know will give us a run for our money in the coming years.

Though she doesn't understand the full extent of what's to come in March, Ava is very excited for her baby brother's arrival.  I think she is mostly excited because it will mean mommy can actually chase her and be tackled by her again, but she's also looking forward to giving the baby his pacifier, singing to him and rocking him when he cries (so she says).  Today she felt him really move for the first time and it was such a precious moment.  Every time I've asked her to touch my belly in the past she either misses a kick or refuses all together.  But, today baby boy had the hiccups and I ushered her over to feel.  Her eyes lit up and she said, "Is he knocking?!"  She was fascinated when I told her he had the hiccups and showed her the movement that she was feeling.

Just shy of 32 weeks, I'm definitely feeling the end is near... but not near enough.  I've thankfully remained healthy and without any major issues, but my body would beg to differ.  It likes to remind me daily that it doesn't approve of my choice to get pregnant and therefore refuses often to do what I want it to do.  Since entering the third trimester I've become much more nauseous again and have had to deal with a lot of anxiety which was a surprise.  With Ava I had the expected amount of over-emotional to deal with but with this little guy I've been a bit of a wreck!  Thankfully, I have a loving and caring husband and a healthy dose of perspective that I didn't have the first time around.  I am doing my best to just take it one day at a time and get through the next two months with as much enjoyment as possible!

Hopefully it won't be another month until I post again.  In the upcoming weeks, check back for photos of Baby Two's nursery!