...give thanks to the LORD, call on his name; make known among the nations what he has done... isaiah 12:4


Monday, June 21, 2010

Dad's Day

Here is a post to celebrate this home's favorite dad. Yesterday we went swimming and enjoyed a yummy dinner at the Outback Steakhouse, one of Blair's favorite spots. Ava had a blast; now that she is older she loves going out and we love it too! She was so cute waddling around in her gold sandals, waving at everyone who would pass by and eating more cheerios than could fit in her belly. After dinner we stopped at Target and for the first time Ava went cart-less and was allowed to roam the children's book section! Delight. Favorites included every Elmo book of course (especially the ones with musical buttons) and the Toy Story displays.

Ok now, back to Dad. Blair is such a wonderful husband and naturally a great father to Ava. Her eyes light up when he walks in the room and gets a high pitched, "Hiiii!" from her every time. Most often though, even without prompting, on sight of daddy Ava turns into what we call "Crazy Lady", spinning and running until she falls over, trying to run away from daddy while somehow running towards him at the same time. Getting chased by daddy is Ava's absolute favorite activity, whether or not he's actually initiated the chasing process. So, #1, daddy is FUN.

In the morning, usually after breakfast, Ava gets down from her highchair and almost always says, "daddy!" and runs for our bedroom door where daddy is sleeping. She of course lets herself in and Blair wakes up to a shriek of Ava excitement. One day a few weeks ago though I shut the door and Ava started knocking and yelling for her daddy. I said, "shh, daddy is sleeping" and so Ava followed suit and knocked lightly, whispering, "shhh, daddy?". #2 Daddy is LOVED and WANTED and MISSED when he isn't around!

Lastly, Blair is the most gentle and caring father I've ever seen and is so great with his little girl. I appreciate these qualities in his dealings with me and even more so in how he raises our baby. She (again, like me) is quite a sensitive girl and I love how Blair nurtures this part of her. #3, He is a very THOUGHTFUL and SWEET daddy and Ava loves him sooooo much!

We love and appreciate you so much dah-dee! Happy Father's day!


In Ava's 15 month post I tried to list a comprehensive account of her words at this age. This morning she reminded me of one I forgot! YUM YUM YUM!

Also worth noting: Ava LOVES Cracklin Oat Bran and every morning talks me into giving her a few pieces of my cereal. The problem is it needs to sit in milk for at least fifteen minute before it is soft enough for her little gums to chew! But when the time comes, she devours her portion and says, "Yum yum yum...". She prefers these even over cheerios! Hopefully someday, after her teeth are in, we can snack on this treat more easily.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

15 Months

Ava is 15 months old and just had her latest well baby visit. She is 24lbs (in the 69th percentile) and 29 3/4 inches (one inch taller than she was at a year). For the second time in a row they measured her wrong at the doctors office so in their records she is much taller and in the 90th percentile for her age! Not true, I'd say she's much closer to average.

Her sense of humor is off the charts and she loves to laugh and make us laugh at the simplest things. Example: Just yesterday Blair snuck up behind Ava and yelled, "Boo!", thus introducing Ava to her new favorite activity. This was quite surprising as she still cries at loud or unexpected sounds, is very cautious of new things and gets startled easily, but this she loved! We have since been taking every opportunity to scare her and she runs around the house saying, "Bo! Bo!" and laughing hysterically. She hasn't gotten the surprise factor down yet though, Blair was lying on the floor this afternoon and Ava walked over, put her face three inches away from his and said, "Bo."

Ava is getting very good at her baby sign language and loves reading her Baby Signs book and practicing. She can do the signs for milk, more, all done and please, and uses them regularly around the house. My favorite is when she looks at me with those sweet little eyes, points to a cookie or some other treat and signs, "please?". How can I resist?

At 15 months Ava has about 11 words that she says regularly including hi, hello, daddy, mama, ducky, ball, uh oh, thank you and good job (both sound very similar and resemble, "tah tu" and "do do"), banana (baba) and just yesterday, Elmo (melmo)! I feel like she must say more words than this since she communicates with me constantly but I'm realizing not everyone is fluent in her babble and body language! She has also continued this month to grow in her babbling technique; adorable sentences come out often and we have so much fun trying to translate. She loves to talk on the phone, she'll walk around with it at her ear and I'll hear gibberish with the occasional "daddy" as she talks. My favorite is when she gets sad and she'll come to me with a pouty lip and babble for a good thirty seconds as if to say, "Mommy, you said I could go outside but I'm not outside yet!"

Ava's also become very interested in dressing herself this last month, though almost everything goes over or on top of her head. She loves going through my drawers and putting on whatever she can find, though embarrassingly enough that is usually my "delicates". Just as long as this dress up party doesn't happen while company is over. She loves trying to put on and take off her shoes and oh yes-- brushing her "hair" and putting makeup on with mommy in the morning. She has her own blush brush and old foundation tub, watches me putting mine on and then brushes on her cheeks and wherever else she feels like. She is a mommy's girl and I love it!

Other big girl things that Ava is doing include washing herself in the tub (she also loves washing her feet with a wipe on the changing table) and climbing up stairs! She is however very afraid of going down stairs and trembles at the top if the gate is open. She is getting better at pointing to body parts too, her favorite of which is her belly!

I mentioned that Ava loves playing with her pots and pans, spoons and bowls, but this month she has perfected the skill of taking the lid off of a milk carton. This is one of her favorite things to do so we've given her a carton of her very own and she enjoys twisting the lid on and off. For her birthday from her Aunt Erin and Uncle Jon she received an ingenious gift, a plethora of wooden fruits, veggies and breads that are held together by velcro and come with a wooden knife and cutting board. These last few weeks she's gotten much better at actually putting each item on the cutting board and cutting through the velcro slits with her knife, and of course tasting each piece and offering up her goods!

This month we went swimming for the first time with Ava (that she remembers), and she loved it! We weren't sure what to expect since she doesn't love the bath and doesn't like getting her face wet, but she did very well. She loved bouncing through the water with us, playing with the balls and noodles that our local YMCA provides and watching all the other swimmers. We also took our first visit to the Philadelphia Zoo this month with Heather, Nat and Ava's cousin Miles. It was, again, a treat to see her react to all the new things and to seeing in person the animals she's read about. She especially loved the monkeys and gorillas and did all her animal sounds on cue! We checked out the children's petting zoo but Ava was not so sure about this whole petting-dirty-animals-among-hundreds-of-other-kids thing. She at least stretched a hand out to pet a goat and a sheep and then promptly fell and stuck her hands in goat poop. Mommy was delighted, to say the least. All in the name of new experiences!

On the matter of teeth: There are still none to speak of and frankly I'm tired of writing, "any day now!" since she was 6 months old. We've had many nights and days of tough teething and were convinced she'd pop one or two out by morning but alas... nothing. I won't say that she should have teeth in the next month or two, I am done guessing. But, I can say firmly that there are at least 6 teeth that are visible under her gums and yes, will come before she goes to kindergarten.

Ok, now on to boring details of size and schedule for mommy to keep track of her growing girl:

At 15 months Ava's between 18 and 24 mos clothes, fitting into 2T in some items. She is wearing size 4 diapers.

Her bedtime routine consists of changing into pj's, drinking milk and reading books with daddy around 7:30, then she sleeps until at least 8:30am and often as late as 9:30am! She also takes two 2-hour naps (on a good day). She has stayed true to her infant self and loves her sleep (as do I).

If you missed them with the last post, check out the most current pictures of our sweet girl in the albums to the left!

Friday, June 11, 2010

A Picture Post

There are a ton of new pictures in the albums "May 2010" and "June 2010" to the left. Here's a sneak peek of what Ava's been up to this last month!