...give thanks to the LORD, call on his name; make known among the nations what he has done... isaiah 12:4


Monday, June 21, 2010


In Ava's 15 month post I tried to list a comprehensive account of her words at this age. This morning she reminded me of one I forgot! YUM YUM YUM!

Also worth noting: Ava LOVES Cracklin Oat Bran and every morning talks me into giving her a few pieces of my cereal. The problem is it needs to sit in milk for at least fifteen minute before it is soft enough for her little gums to chew! But when the time comes, she devours her portion and says, "Yum yum yum...". She prefers these even over cheerios! Hopefully someday, after her teeth are in, we can snack on this treat more easily.

1 comment:

the indiansandpirates said...

Love it! My boys have always loved cracklin' oat bran, too - in fact, they used to call it the "cookie" cereal.