...give thanks to the LORD, call on his name; make known among the nations what he has done... isaiah 12:4


Friday, July 31, 2009

Look at Our Big Girl!

July 30th was a big day for Ava!  She sat up for the first time by herself AND rolled over!  She has been so close to rolling over for awhile and we went in to get her after one of her naps and she was on her belly!

She has also started teething.  We noticed she had a slight fever yesterday and has been a little more fussy than usual (which for her means a whimper every now and then).  She is lunging for everything possible that can fit in her mouth!  We are hoping it is a quick and painless process (for all of us) but we shall see.


Erin and Jonathan said...

Yay Ava! What a big girl you are! I love you precious one!

Unknown said...

What! Ava is sitting up!!!