Ava and I went for a walk this afternoon and it was a huge success. First, we got to blow on her first dandylion, then we saw two bunnies chasing each other across the path. Then her favorite--we came upon two friendly dogs who we said hi to and one of them licked her toes! Delight. When they continued on their way, Ava burst into tears (no amount of "say bye bye doggies" would console her) so I handed her her precious ducky and tried out the lounge feature in her new big-girl stroller. She loved it! We strolled for another twenty minutes or so and she loved snuggling with her duck. It was getting close to her nap time and I am pretty convinced that she would have fallen asleep if we kept walking. This is a big deal, we've been curious as to whether she would sleep in her stroller at this age and I my guess is now- yes! At least I hope so.
In other news, Ava has had a great last few days and is definitely growing up. She's now walking full-time and loves it, is now on par with her other walking friends and it's so fun to see her interact with them. We had a busy weekend these past few days and we definitely saw a difference in Ava's curiosity and independence while out and about. At a picnic and a restaurant we went to she happily walked off on her own to explore, she pointed and waved hello to strangers and was much more outgoing. She also did very well spending a lot of time with our friends Erin and Jon while Blair and I were out celebrating our birthdays--she slept well at their house, let them put her down easily to sleep for the night, etc. All great strides in her growing up! It's SO much fun to see her independence blossom more and more.
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