...give thanks to the LORD, call on his name; make known among the nations what he has done... isaiah 12:4


Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Ava's New Piano

Lots of new things

Ava has been growing and changing like a weed since her birthday. Here are some new Ava facts:

She wears hair clips! Finally she has enough hair and with some persistence on my part she's now used to them daily. She won't yet let me use a rubber band to make a mini-ponytail but I'm content with a bow for now.

She's afraid. Ava has developed a lot of strange fears as of late, including public restrooms (she's afraid of the loud flush), wind and the YMCA (she thinks it's a doctor's office).

She has words. Ava has been talking talking talking for the last 6 months but some of my favorite words include "kuckle" (couple, as in "a kuckle days"), "coutend" (pretend), "pooh-dough" (pillow), and "coo-eye-in" (crying). I am sure I'll think of five more as soon as I post this!

Story #1

The other day I was eating some leftover pizza for lunch and Ava spotted it. She said, "I hold big one?" meaning, she'd like to hold and eat a whole piece of pizza all by herself. I said I didn't think that was a good idea, that it was too big. She looked at me with her wide, puppy dog eyes and said sweetly, "Mommy, I can try" with sweet inflection on the "try" indicating both question and an air of I-can-do-it. Of course I obliged the cuteness and she enjoyed her pizza slice like a big girl.

Story #2

Ava's bedtime routine usually includes reading a few books and then singing a few songs before she is laid in her crib and we say goodnight. Last week however, I picked her up to sing a song and she stopped me and said, "Down, pack 'n play?" I said, "You want to go down in your crib now?" She said, "No, coutend (pretend) pack 'n play?" I clarified and discovered that she did in fact want to go in her crib but pretend she was being put in her pack 'n play. We then pretended for a few minutes that we were at the beach on vacation, that she was sleeping in her pack 'n play and that in the morning we would wake up and go fly kites with Daddy. She happily pretended this nighttime routine and that was that! No song, no dance, just an adorable, big-kid imagination at work. Love her.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Summer Shoes

One of my favorite purchases for Ava's summer wardrobe thus far!

Unfortunately Ava's affinity for mud puddles today
meant washing them after their first wear.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Month 24

I've decided this should be the last post named by how many months it has been since Ava was born. This, among other things, is the sad (and exciting) reality that we are getting used to with a two-year-old. Now she'll be marked by 6-month increments, she'll be two for about four months, then two-and-a-half for a few months, then "almost three" for the few after that. An exciting switch, yes, but a change nonetheless. Another reminder of her age, Ava decided this week that her beloved Ducky will now be called "Duck". A heart-wrenching, "I'm to old to say Duck-KEY" moment. I'm sure she'll switch back and forth or maybe forget her decision altogether eventually, but when the change was announced I must say, I had a mini-meltdown inside. My daughter is TWO... and she knows it!

At 24 months, Ava is:
  • Speaking in broken but very clear sentences
  • Much more outgoing than she was at 12 months
  • Loving trucks, planes, trains and any other mode of transportation, dresses, doing things by herself, playing all kinds of pretend, singing songs (and making up her own lyrics) and taking care of her baby dolls with all the vigor and detail of a real mommy
  • Jumping with two feet
  • Constantly reciting songs and books from memory, and repeating everything she hears
  • Wearing size 3 and 4T in most clothes and size 6 1/2 - 7 in shoes, wearing size 5 diapers and size 6 at night.
  • Finally thinning out a bit, weighing in at 28.8 lbs (68%) and 35 in (81%)
  • A very good listener
  • A great eater, favorite foods including blackberries (all berries really), grapes, broccoli, yogurt, cottage cheese, colby cheese, mac and cheese (yes, she loves cheese) and dried cranberries
  • Wanting three meals and two snacks (most days)
  • Sleeping 12 hours a night and taking one nap for 1.5 - 2.5 hours
  • Finishing mommy's sentences (truly)
  • Switching to 2% milk and getting used to cold milk (as opposed to warm). Yes, it took us this long (gasp). Who wants to give up the ten minute snuggle that comes with warm milk? Not I, so I let it linger awhile...
  • Counting to 8 and knows most of her letters, colors and shapes

Personality Traits at 2 Years: She still has a GREAT sense of humor, she is very in tune to and observant of others, and she is careful and deliberate but much more adventurous and gregarious than she was at 12 months. She is very sensitive, loves to be the center of attention, still loves to snuggle, and is soft natured but very talkative. In a group of kids she is definitely the most quiet, observant and least rambunctious, but when she's the star of the show she loves to show off, be loud and run around with the best of them. She wants to know and follow the rules, of course pushes her limits but responds very well to consistency, boundaries and calm.

In a nutshell, Ava is truly a sweet little heart and is a lot like her mommy. She is nurturing, personable, affectionate, witty, detail-oriented, purposeful, imaginative, others-centered (as much as a two-year-old can be) and LOVED!

Ava's 24 mo. Photo Shoot

Monday, March 14, 2011

A Special Day

Ava on her birth day

Ava at her 1st birthday party

Ava at her 2nd birthday party

Sunday, March 13, 2011

a thomas party

Ava couldn't have been more excited for her Thomas birthday party this year and I couldn't have been more unsure of how to pull it off. But, after some research and creativity, this is what we came up with! A Thomas the Tank Engine birthday party fit for my girlie girl and a grilled cheese bar fit for kids and adults alike. We forgot to take pictures before the festivities began so here are a few post-party captures. Among our missed photo-opportunities was the grilled cheese bar I adapted from Martha Stewart's How to Throw a Grilled Cheese Party.

Ava's Thomas birthday banner

Some of the spread with coordinating labels

Above the grilled cheese bar hung signs with recipe combination ideas
and "How to Make the Perfect Grilled Cheese"

The cupcake toppers that inspired the decor!
Personalized with Ava's name, age and train logo

Train whistles for the kiddos

Ava was blessed to have 7 kids and 16 adults come to her party to celebrate with her! She had so much fun with friends and family and took a 2 1/2 hour nap afterwards to prove it. We so enjoyed watching the kids play together, spending time with cousins and family and seeing Ava's face light up all day. Thank you for all who celebrated with us!

Ava and Liam playing with Ava's new ironing board

Miles, Ruthie and Ava playing with Ava's new Thomas track

No birthday is complete without a special cupcake for a special girl.

Happy birthday my sweet sweet two-year-old.

a family-of-three vacation

Last weekend we decided to take advantage of Blair's slow work week and take a mini-vacation to Philadelphia. Blair works long hours (which means so do I) and as a family we have been pretty burnt-out lately and in serious need of some together time.

On Friday we set out for Exton, Blair's hometown, and stayed the night at his parents house. Ava opened a few early birthday presents, we enjoyed a little time with Nana and Papa and a good nights sleep.

Saturday we met my sister and brother-in-law and Ava's cousin Miles at the mall and had a great time running around and shopping. Now you might think, what a silly thing to do on a "vacation", but believe me--when you live in a small town, shopping in such a big mall qualifies as vacation-worthy.

In the afternoon we had some great family time at home, took a walk, played outside, blew bubbles, picked up sticks, and Ava had a blast with her new lawn mower from Nana and Papa.

Saturday night we went out to dinner and Ava was enchanted with the balloons and serenaded by the waiters for her birthday. Now whenever we go out she starts singing Happy Birthdayand then looks around and says, "People do it??". Unfortunately I had to break it to her that not all strangers are prepared to sing to her at a moments notice.

Early Sunday morning we grabbed our Starbucks and breakfast sandwiches and headed to the city. Ava was much more taken by the "tall buildings" than I expected and it was a fun car ride as we neared our destination: the Camden Aquarium. We all enjoyed this stop and Ava had a blast running around and seeing all the little fish and big fish. Her favorite attractions were undoubtedly the porcupine and hippos, and she loved standing in the shark tunnel!

After lunch we headed to our hotel for Ava's nap. Unfortunately it didn't go so well, she was exhausted and thrown off by the immediate change of venue and refused to nap. Sometimes she can breeze through a missed nap without much harm done but this was not one of those days. So, we took our distraught baby down to the hotel lobby and proceeded to stroll her around in figure 8's for about an hour before she fell asleep.

Despite the less than stellar nap, Ava did very well sharing a room with us in the hotel that night. Even though sleeping next to a pack 'n play meant Blair and I had to also stay quiet after 8pm, Ava slept through the night without a peep and we soaked in the quiet, restful togetherness.

We thoroughly enjoyed and took advantage of our luxurious hotel room and accommodations. Monday ushered in one of the most delicious breakfasts we've had in a long time and then we decided to head to the Please Touch Museum, a recommended attraction for toddler-toting families. Ava absolutely LOVED it and I too was very impressed by the amount there was to enjoy with an almost-two-year-old.

Even though we only had three short days to "vacate", we enjoyed every minute of it!