I've decided this should be the last post named by how many months it has been since Ava was born. This, among other things, is the sad (and exciting) reality that we are getting used to with a two-year-old. Now she'll be marked by 6-month increments, she'll be two for about four months, then two-and-a-half for a few months, then "almost three" for the few after that. An exciting switch, yes, but a change nonetheless. Another reminder of her age, Ava decided this week that her beloved Ducky will now be called "Duck". A heart-wrenching, "I'm to old to say Duck-KEY" moment. I'm sure she'll switch back and forth or maybe forget her decision altogether eventually, but when the change was announced I must say, I had a mini-meltdown inside. My daughter is TWO... and she knows it!

At 24 months, Ava is:
- Speaking in broken but very clear sentences
- Much more outgoing than she was at 12 months
- Loving trucks, planes, trains and any other mode of transportation, dresses, doing things by herself, playing all kinds of pretend, singing songs (and making up her own lyrics) and taking care of her baby dolls with all the vigor and detail of a real mommy
- Jumping with two feet
- Constantly reciting songs and books from memory, and repeating everything she hears
- Wearing size 3 and 4T in most clothes and size 6 1/2 - 7 in shoes, wearing size 5 diapers and size 6 at night.
- Finally thinning out a bit, weighing in at 28.8 lbs (68%) and 35 in (81%)
- A very good listener
- A great eater, favorite foods including blackberries (all berries really), grapes, broccoli, yogurt, cottage cheese, colby cheese, mac and cheese (yes, she loves cheese) and dried cranberries
- Wanting three meals and two snacks (most days)
- Sleeping 12 hours a night and taking one nap for 1.5 - 2.5 hours
- Finishing mommy's sentences (truly)
- Switching to 2% milk and getting used to cold milk (as opposed to warm). Yes, it took us this long (gasp). Who wants to give up the ten minute snuggle that comes with warm milk? Not I, so I let it linger awhile...
- Counting to 8 and knows most of her letters, colors and shapes
Personality Traits at 2 Years: She still has a GREAT sense of humor, she is very in tune to and observant of others, and she is careful and deliberate but much more adventurous and gregarious than she was at 12 months. She is very sensitive, loves to be the center of attention, still loves to snuggle, and is soft natured but very talkative. In a group of kids she is definitely the most quiet, observant and least rambunctious, but when she's the star of the show she loves to show off, be loud and run around with the best of them. She wants to know and follow the rules, of course pushes her limits but responds very well to consistency, boundaries and calm.
In a nutshell, Ava is truly a sweet little heart and is a lot like her mommy. She is nurturing, personable, affectionate, witty, detail-oriented, purposeful, imaginative, others-centered (as much as a two-year-old can be) and LOVED!
Ava's 24 mo. Photo Shoot

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