After a whirlwind three weeks of packing, we bid adieu to our earthly possessions as they began their trek across the country. My first tears were shed by surprise as I rocked Grayson to sleep in our cribless home. The bare pink walls we painted before Ava was born. We brought both our kids here from the hospital, greeted by these walls, driven in the car we had just sold. Saying goodbye to all that is familiar except each other.
Our empty living room.
A teary goodbye photo on our front porch.
We are so grateful not only for the breadth and depth of relationships we've been so blessed to have but dare I say I'm grateful for the chance to say goodbye? To say all the things that don't get said on a daily basis. Thank you for loving my children. Thank you for your generosity, your friendship, your example. Your love. I am not happy to leave but my heart has never been so warmed than to remember, hear and voice my appreciation for all of the people who have become so dear to me and my family.
The plane flight was all but seamless. We woke the kids when it was still dark and had boarded the plane before breakfast. Grayson barely napped all day and Ava fell asleep for half an hour on the way from the airport to our new house but both were such troopers. Thankfully my mom traveled with us so we had an extra pair of priceless hands on the flight and one less person to say goodbye to!
Our new home is more than we could have asked for. A beautiful kitchen, plenty of space, a gorgeous back yard and large patio. Palm trees. Once again, God provided so bountifully for us! A week in I still have a lot of organizing to do but we are so grateful for this beautiful home in such a great area. We can walk to Walmart and a whole handful of other places and there is no shortage of adventure for the kids in this cactus-filled land.
Our house!
Our neighborhood.
My beautiful kitchen. I am so thankful for it!
Our backyard view from the patio, looking
toward the fire pit (this photo doesn't do it justice).
Ava playing under the bean tree in the backyard.
I love it here. To keep it short and sweet. Even after this short time I'm starting to fall in love with the landscape and the adventure that is present in a backyard of rocks, cactuses, new birds and lizards. It isn't familiar here but it feels like home. It is new but comfortable. The constant sun keeps my spirits high even on the days where I've felt overwhelmed by tantrums and boxes. I love the palm tree lined streets, the architecture, the mountains. It happened so fast I barely remember how we got here but I'm grateful to be a part of this community and excited to continue this sweaty, dirty adventure with my little family.