...give thanks to the LORD, call on his name; make known among the nations what he has done... isaiah 12:4


Friday, January 11, 2013


Thanks to the glorious invention of social photo sharing media, I have been able to stay in touch with family and friends in a very personal way since our cross-country move.  I am so grateful for my little iPod touch and the ability to capture and share snapshots of our every day life here.

For the few of you who don't follow me in some other electronic manner, here are the "best-of" photos to sum up our last couple of months.

Mommy daughter date, shooting cars with soap at the car wash over donuts and coffee:)

 Watching a dozen hot air balloons get blown up during the 'Hot Air Balloon Glow' in our town.

Buying our live Christmas tree from a dirt lot on the side of the road!

Super excited about decorating the tree.

Loving some little boy time while Ava is at preschool.

And then he started pulling up.


Decking the palms.

Mr. Mischief.

We bought a hedge trimmer.  In December.

Portrait of mommy.

Practicing her letters.

Little dude did a little too much Christmas partying last night.

Guess who swallowed a sweet potato!

Rain dance.

Bike riding in December has yet to lose it's luster.

Ava was so blessed by the sweet hospital volunteer who brought teddy bears for her and Grayson.

Sibling comfort:)

Christmas Eve service at CCV.

Climbing a tree after church.

Christmas dinner!

Christmas morning with kids is the best.

Snuggle time with Nana.

Girls morning out!

Helping daddy fix the kitchen faucet.

Laundry time.

Mommy is happy.

Bike ride with my big girl!

Now I know who recorded those 87 episodes of Mickey Mouse.

Champion wheelbarrow racers.

Daddy's home!

I'm in trouble.

Sending a love note to her BFF.

Let's go PSU!

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