Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Today was my 37 week appointment... 3 more weeks to go! Everything went fine, I am 70% effaced and the baby's head is at -2 station which means it has dropped into the pelvis. All good news, and it looks like I'm on target for my due date. I've had more Braxton-Hicks contractions this week and am very sore but it's good to know my body is doing what it's supposed to! Every day I grow increasingly ready for her to come and now Blair is also ready to meet his daughter as soon as she decides it's time. He's been spending more time talking to her and kissing my belly which is very cute to watch. It's exciting to share in anticipation as we await her arrival together! More to come next week...
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
We had my 36 week appointment today... 4 weeks to go! They didn't "check" me (for those who were looking for the stats) since I don't have any signs that preterm labor is on the way, but everything went fine. Again the doctor urged me to rest as much as possible and stay home... something I'm happy to do now that I'm starting to get much more uncomfortable! I'm feeling relatively well considering my health history, but have been trying not to push too hard so that whenever this little babe decides to come I'll be somewhat well rested and feeling ok. This Sunday & Monday I had a baby shower at my friend Ashleigh's and then we had friends over yesterday afternoon and evening--needless to say, today I'm VERY tired and sore! It doesn't take much to wear me out these days.
I have much enjoyed washing, organizing and re-organizing all the shower gifts we've received, and finally feel somewhat ready for the baby to come. If you click on the shower photo to the left it will take you to an album of shower photos thus far. As many know, my first shower I didn't even go to, it was a surprise at Thanksgiving with Blair's family and I was sick! So poor Blair was a great sport and opened all the gifts in front of the oohing and ahhing ladies. Then the second shower was supposed to be two weekends ago at my sister's in Philly. However, I was told by my doctor (and my husband) that traveling was not a good idea. So, that had to be canceled but my mom brought up some gifts from family down there and my Dad is coming up next weekend to do the same. Turned out to be a win-win for me, I get to see family, open presents and sit on my couch in my sweatpants! This past weekend was a third shower (that I did actually attend) at my friend Ashleigh's. It was beautiful, over the top and so much fun! I felt so blessed to have such wonderful and caring friends and to be so pampered. Blair and I are SO grateful for all the gifts we've received and for the wonderful family and friends we have in our lives! We love you!
Friday, February 6, 2009
Status of baby Drake: She is growing steadily and I'm definitely feeling more cumbersome these days. But, thankfully she is pretty easy on me, she doesn't kick me too hard and is generally pretty quiet (though she's gotten more active in the last two weeks or so). We just had our 34 week appointment and all is well! I think we are both a little stunned that her due date is in only 6 short weeks, but we cannot wait to meet her, hold her in our arms and get to know her!
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