One week to go! At my appointment today I was 2 cm dilated so everything is continuing to progress. It could be any day now! Two nights ago I was having mild contractions 10 min apart for about four hours, but they stopped around 8am and haven't started up again (regularly). So we are still waiting! I've been feeling more of the same, very sore in my back and hips and around the bottom of my belly, having a lot of Braxton Hicks contractions and mild cramping that comes and goes. I had a very energetic weekend but that has since given way to a very tired Kathryn again. We are both doing our best to sleep as much as we can each night (and I've been taking regular naps) in preparation. We are SO thankful that given all of my health issues, this has been a very healthy pregnancy and so far my body is doing everything it's supposed to in preparation for labor and delivery.
Blair has a much easier schedule this week since the students are on spring break, so that has been a huge blessing and has allowed him more time to rest up and get some last minute things done around the house. He installed the car seat yesterday and put up curtains in our bedroom to make it more conducive to daytime sleep. Over the weekend my cousin Britt visited and helped put some finishing touches on the nursery.. it looks great! Now just more waiting. Possibly the next time we post will be when the little one arrives! The anticipation is killing us and I'm beginning to think it'll never happen, but we know soon the waiting will be over...