...give thanks to the LORD, call on his name; make known among the nations what he has done... isaiah 12:4


Monday, February 1, 2010

Shelled Peas

And now for a non-Ava sort of of post... or less-Ava I guess. I have been wanting to change up our blog for a while and to do so in an artsy yet relevant way. Today I actually was one step away from posting the usual black and white family photo when Ava woke up and soon I was sitting at the kitchen table shelling peas for my hungry girl. I looked down and thought... ah ha! Just the artsy yet relevant moment I'd wanted to capture. Shelled peas. This does sum up quite well my life right now--spending many hours shelling peas, cutting blueberries into unrecognizably small wedges and eating squares of cheese off my daughter's little fingers when she offers them (how generous of her). Some days I think, "this is the life", when she plays quietly in her highchair while I eat my breakfast and drink my coffee. Other days when shelled peas become mashed-on-the-floor peas, I think I might need a day off. But, thankfully, God gives me mercy and grace every day to enjoy even the not-so-great moments and to want to shell peas for my sweet girl (which is not an easy task, I must say).

So... a snapshot of the shelled peas will be our welcome to those visiting our blog, a welcome into our life of messy fingers and messy diapers and ministry of all kinds. Enjoy!

1 comment:

melanie said...

kathryn, this looks awesome! your "shelling peas" is the same as my "washing size 3T underwear day after day after day because he just can't quite keep them dry yet" ... our hard work is paying off as these kids grow every day! it's worth it! :-)