...give thanks to the LORD, call on his name; make known among the nations what he has done... isaiah 12:4


Sunday, February 28, 2010

Two, Two and Two

Two is the magic number for today to sum up Ava's life this week: Two feedings, Two naps and only Two weeks left until her first birthday!

My attempt to start weaning was thwarted after two weeks--Ava came down with what we think was a virus and was having some significant tummy trouble. The doctor suggested that we stop all dairy (just because it is harder to digest, he didn't think it was the main factor in her upset tummy) and go back to only breastmilk, plus a fat and fiber rich diet to bulk up her system. Within a few days Ava seemed to feel better and then we started her slowly back on cow's milk. So far so good! So... we're back to two breastfeedings a day and two cow's-milk-in-a-sippy-cup feedings. She does pretty well but definitely has a hard time concentrating with the sippy cup so we've started letting her watch cartoons while she eats. It's a luxury but pretty cute to watch her suck suck suck and then giggle at something on the TV and all the milk in her mouth runs down her chin onto her bib!

In the last two days we've also started moving Ava to just two naps a day instead of three. I have considered myself a lucky mom that we made it almost through the first year with Ava still taking three naps a day. However, in the last couple of weeks (partly due to not feeling well) Ava has not been sleeping well for any of those naps. After a few days of sleeping barely at all, I decided to try switching to two naps. Yesterday she slept for two hours in the morning (perfect) but then only 45 minutes in the afternoon! Not so perfect. But, she surprised me by staying happy and chipper for the next 5 hours until bedtime. This morning was a similar story, she slept for two hours and is now down for her second nap--we'll see how it goes! If we successfully switch to two naps her schedule will look something like this:

7am wake, breakfast
9-11am nap
11am wake, lunch
1-3pm nap
3pm wake, dinner
7pm milk feeding
7:30pm bedtime

And last but not least, we are just two weeks away from Ava's first birthday! It is coming fast and we are so excited. I've been singing "Happy Birthday" to get her used to the song and she now dances along with my singing which is pretty cute. I've been on a hunt for the perfect birthday party outfit with no luck--it's times like these that I wish I still lived near Exton where there are more places to buy baby clothes. :(

Ava's newest love? Babies! She loves them, on TV, on cereal boxes and yogurt cartons and in real life. Our neighbors just had a little girl on the 23rd and Ava has really enjoyed going to see her. She points, squeals and I'm sure would try to lick her (aka kiss her) if we let her get close enough! We can't wait to go visit Ava's newest cousin Brody who was just born on the 24th!

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