...give thanks to the LORD, call on his name; make known among the nations what he has done... isaiah 12:4


Friday, July 9, 2010

Frozen Waffles and Strawberries

I have been saying for months that Ava has been teething but with no teeth to show for it yet! This week we've had one of our worst episodes yet-- 101 fever, screaming through the night and wanting nothing but mommy to hold her during the day. Motrin only begins to take the edge off.

Of course, this round of teething happens to fall on Blair's two busiest work weeks of the summer and he has been gone for up to 16 hours a day. So, leave it to mom to pull out any and every option for calming the fussy baby. During a past teething week, I got a great tip from a friend and it has been our go-to remedy. Frozen waffles! When badly teething Ava refuses to eat most things, she will always welcome a frozen waffle to gum with her sore little mouth. Add in some frozen strawberries and you've got a perfect meal for a teething lady!

Plus, the secret ingredient for soothing my crying girl? The theme song from "The Office"! If I sing it or play it from iTunes, she is a happy camper for those thirty seconds and then says, "gain! (a)gain!"

Now if only all this energy would produce even just one tooth! I'm beginning to think they will never come...

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