Our Thanksgiving could effectively be described as a whirlwind. But, it was a whirlwind saturated with loving family and delicious tradition that we are so thankful for.
We spent Thursday at our home with Mimi and Pappy. Mom and I donned aprons and flour for most of the day while the men watched TV and played with Ava. Though Ava ate dinner with us and enjoyed all the activity, by far her favorite Thanksgiving treat was this:

Ava spent much of the day in Mimi's cooler, emptied of feast ingredients and filled with all her favorite stuffed friends. Pappy gave cooler-rides, but she was also happy to snuggle in there and watch TV with the boys!
Friday we traveled down to the Philly area and over the next three days Ava got to see almost everyone she knows! We visited with Blair's immediate and extended family and much of my dad's side of the family as well. Ava was a trooper, sleeping in a different room every night but still adjusting pretty well to all the changing surroundings. Both sides of the family got to see what we lovingly call the "crazy lady" (the one who comes out in the evening after stimulation overload and insufficient napping have occurred) but she really did do surprisingly well during the trip.
Unfortunately Blair had to work on Saturday so he drove back to State College on Friday night, and then back again to Philly on Sunday, only to return home with family in toe on Monday. We wish we could have had him for the whole holiday weekend but we're grateful for all he does to support our little family!
All in all, this year we have no short list of things we are thankful for and a list of One who we're giving the credit to! We are so blessed to have such wonderful people in our lives, so many who love us and our daughter well, to have all our needs (and more) provided for and a wonderful Savior who protects, nourishes, saves and spoils us.
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