...give thanks to the LORD, call on his name; make known among the nations what he has done... isaiah 12:4


Friday, May 13, 2011

Swim Lessons

This spring Ava has been enrolled in her first ever swim lessons at the YMCA (Ava calls it the YNC).  We've been to four of the six classes so far and she is having a blast!  At first she was very nervous, especially when the teacher came close enough to give us personal instruction, but with the introduction of multiple pool toys, song time and repeated exposure to the water, she's doing amazingly well.

On the first day Ava would not let me let go of her hands as I climbed into the water and would not jump into my arms without holding on.  While in the water she was clinging to me like a monkey and was not happy with the instructed baby-hold which involved only mommy's hands in her armpits.  But, by the fourth class she was sitting pool-side with little hesitation, jumping freely and dunking her head under water quasi-willingly.  We are so proud of her!

It is also worth mentioning that pool-swimming has greatly increased Ava's bathtub confidence and acrobatics.  Not only does she now stick her face in the water to blow bubbles and "go under" as she says, but tonight she got on her knees facing one direction and then whirled around and around saying, "I face dis way!  Now I face dis way!  Now... dis way!"

Ava's best friend Ruthie is in the same class and it's been so much fun to experience this new adventure together.  Kicking, blowing bubbles, and learning to wait patiently at the side of the pool until mommy says it's time to get in--such a joy to see our girls growing up together!

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