...give thanks to the LORD, call on his name; make known among the nations what he has done... isaiah 12:4


Sunday, May 22, 2011

Mothers Day

I had a wonderful 3rd Mothers Day, in no small part due to my sweet husband and daughter.  Even though Blair goes to bed a lot later than I do, he woke up with Ava on that morning while I got to lay in bed for a few extra minutes.  Though I've lost the ability to sleep in, the luxury of getting out of bed on my own terms is priceless to me and would have been gift enough!

I heard clattering and squealing from the kitchen and then Ava pitter-pattering into my room to say, "Happy Modders Day Mommy!" and snuggle with me for a few minutes in bed.  Again, that too would have been gift enough!

We had breakfast as a family (a rare occurrence for us) which my husband prepared with the "help" of Ava (I hear she washed the strawberries) and got ready for church.  After a great service visiting at our friend's church, we made it home just in time to avoid a total baby meltdown, whip up a quick lunch for all and get Ava down for a nap.

To top it all off, in the evening I settled down with my favorite Entenmann's Chocolate Cake.  Mmmm.  I love being a mom more than anything and feel so blessed to have the family that I have!

Here are a few token family photos taken after church that day.

1 comment:

Maryn Forney said...

i loved catching up on your blog! and the baby mullet - hilarious... : )