...give thanks to the LORD, call on his name; make known among the nations what he has done... isaiah 12:4


Monday, June 27, 2011

Little Helper

Another tale to demonstrate the dear, sweet, helpful and thoughtful little girl we have.

Last night we returned home from a weekend trip and hurriedly unloaded the contents of the car into the living room and hallway.  I unpacked only the necessities and quickly started rummaging the cabinets and bare fridge for a suitable dinner for Ava.  She was getting into things and whining (as was I after our long day) and at one point I caught her taking all of the stuff out of my weekend bag.  I snapped at her to put everything back and said that I needed to take all the bags to their correct rooms and then unload them later and put everything away.  She cleaned up the mess she made and I went back to making her dinner.

After she'd finished eating, Blair came home with some takeout for him and I to share, and we did so ravenously.  A few minutes went by and I realized we hadn't heard a peep from Ava in awhile.  I yelled out, "Ava, what are you doing sweetheart?"  We heard the quick pitter-patter of feet, she whirled around the corner into view, muttered something and then booked it back to her room in a "follow me" type manner.  I thought, 'uh oh' and followed quickly behind.  Sure that she had made a huge mess somewhere, I went into her room and found her standing next to her diaper pail quietly with a face like that of a puppy leading it's owner to an accident on the floor.  "I did that," she said, and pointed.  I looked and found her dresser drawer open (where I keep her large trash bags), bags strewn, and one all scrunched and gnarled into position in her empty diaper pail.  She had been trying to put a new bag in since we left it to air-out while we were away.   Then I saw that she'd dragged her travel bag into her room and had tried to unpack a few things into her drawers.  I looked at her with a smile and said, "Great job Ava, were you trying to help mommy?"  and her puppy-dog eyes turned to a big, proud grin as she replied, "Yeah, I did!"

Love her.

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