...give thanks to the LORD, call on his name; make known among the nations what he has done... isaiah 12:4


Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Grayson Blair

At 38 weeks and 3 days gestation, our beautiful son made his arrival.

Grayson Blair
7 lbs 5 1/2 ounces
20 1/2 inches 

Sunday, February 19, 2012

38 Weeks

Again I say, we made it.  Shockingly.  I'm beginning to think this kid just likes drama and is, after all this, going to come right on time.  At least in the meantime we've gotten his room a little more ready and I've tired myself out considerably with preparatory organizing and cleaning.

I will have my check-up on Tuesday; we'll see if there's been any more progress (that is if we haven't had a baby by then).

Friday, February 17, 2012

Nursery #2

I've been surprisingly more relaxed about decorating our second nursery and wanted to create something fairly neutral since it is also our guest room.  When I went on bed rest I let go of my desire to have the room completed before baby boy arrived, but have been blessed with so much help getting it painted and well-stocked.  Though we have yet to hang art or add any of the decorative elements, I wanted to share a sneak peek of the progress so far.

Stripes on the walls courtesy of my stepdad, Rick.  He painted these the day we went to the hospital in false labor!  Though we didn't come home with a baby, it was a wonderful sight to come home to a room much closer to resembling a nursery.

 The closet color is Tidewater by Martha Stewart at Home Depot.

The fixed roman shade I made in my favorite taupe Suzani fabric.  I followed this tutorial from one of my favorite bloggers, Centsational Girl.

I by no means would call myself a successful shopper, especially when it comes to bargain finds.  But, this elephant was a great find at TJ Maxx this winter (pre-bed rest) and a perfect compliment to the eventual theme of the room.  During the same trip I also found a sweet mini-globe in robins egg blue!

Seeing this all come together has gotten me excited for the days when I can shop the aisles again and fulfill my plans for this room.  Soon to come: a faux sheepskin accent rug, a large map print for above the guest bed, baby's monogram above the crib (once he has a name of course), and some coordinating pillows for the guest bed.  I'm thinking a little aqua chevron, gray zebra print...  for now I dream.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

37 Weeks

Four weeks ago I really didn't think we'd see this day!  Thanks be to God and to all of our family and friends who sacrificed so much to help our family over the last month.

The last week has been our most eventful and honestly I am shocked to still be pregnant!  After spending 4 hours on the labor and delivery floor, contemplating names for a baby we were certain we'd meet that night, being sent home and then spending two other nights since wide awake with regular contractions only to have them eventually fade... I am hovering between feeling like I will go into labor at any moment and like it might never happen.

And so we wait.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

False Labor #2

I didn't realize that one can have strong timeable contractions for much of a day and not be in labor, but alas, we experienced this just yesterday.  After my appointment in the morning I tried to lay down for a nap and again was unable to sleep, felt very uncomfortable and just 'off'.  Within a couple of hours I was having very strong contractions that were about 1 1/2 minutes apart so we called the doctor and rushed to the hospital.

Though I was at 3cm when we arrived (up from 2cm that morning) and convinced this was the real thing, over the next 5 hours they concluded that my contractions were spacing farther apart and I hadn't progressed past 3cm.  When the doctor informed me that she didn't think I was in labor, I was truly in shock and surprisingly disappointed.  Even though it's still very early, I had mentally and emotionally prepared to meet my baby boy last night and to have that taken away left me very depressed and confused.

We came home not sure if we'd be heading back within hours, days or weeks, but last night the contractions continued to weaken and spread apart.  At least I got a good nights sleep.  I will say I still don't feel like it will be long... I know women can stay at 3 or 4cm for weeks but I just don't believe that's my body's way of doing things, especially with its incredible propensity for contracting.  We shall see though, all we can do now is wait and pray for a healthy boy.  Oh and for my water to break!  No more of this false contracting nonsense please, my heart can't handle the roller coaster.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

36 Weeks

We have finally made it to the crucial week we were most praying for.  Now I will be able to deliver in our hospital if I go into labor!  We have had lots of help around here, I've been able to take it easy, and the amount of cramping that I was experiencing has greatly decreased.

Today at my appointment we did get some great news of progress.  Baby's head has dropped, I am 2cm dilated already and 70% effaced.  When I was pregnant with Ava I was 2cm dilated at 39 weeks and had her two days later!  Though I could still go full-term, we are kicking our baby readiness into high gear.  I am very uncomfortable, not sleeping well and definitely ready to get this boy out so this was music to my ears now that we've reached a "safe" point for delivery.

I've also been given the O.K. to be up and moving about which is a huge relief.  Though I still don't feel up to doing my usual duties, it is so good to know I won't exercise or exhaust myself into an early labor.

Ava has continued to be quite a champ with all the change, the visitors coming and going, the new foods being kindly delivered and the mommy who has taken yet another step further away from the daily rough and tumble.  She is SO excited for her brother's arrival, loves to feel him kick, talk to him and "snuggle" him (as seen in the above photo).  She picked out a gift to bring to the hospital for him when he's born and she keeps talking about that day to come with the anticipation of a child preparing for their first visit to Disney World!

This week I finalized my top choice for baby boy's name and I think Blair has too.  Though we will probably have to meet the little one before deciding, it is wonderful to finally feel like he will not remain nameless indefinitely.

In short, I am very ready, Blair is nearly ready, no one has told the little boy with the quick heartbeat that it's time to settle down in there but we're bracing ourselves for whatever is to come!

Monday, February 6, 2012

Pig Tails

Oh no!  My jump rope got caught in my pig tails!
Yes people.  We've arrived.  Her hair is long enough to *sort of* wear pig tails:)