We have finally made it to the crucial week we were most praying for. Now I will be able to deliver in our hospital if I go into labor! We have had lots of help around here, I've been able to take it easy, and the amount of cramping that I was experiencing has greatly decreased.
Today at my appointment we did get some great news of progress. Baby's head has dropped, I am 2cm dilated already and 70% effaced. When I was pregnant with Ava I was 2cm dilated at 39 weeks and had her two days later! Though I could still go full-term, we are kicking our baby readiness into high gear. I am very uncomfortable, not sleeping well and definitely ready to get this boy out so this was music to my ears now that we've reached a "safe" point for delivery.
I've also been given the O.K. to be up and moving about which is a huge relief. Though I still don't feel up to doing my usual duties, it is so good to know I won't exercise or exhaust myself into an early labor.
Ava has continued to be quite a champ with all the change, the visitors coming and going, the new foods being kindly delivered and the mommy who has taken yet another step further away from the daily rough and tumble. She is SO excited for her brother's arrival, loves to feel him kick, talk to him and "snuggle" him (as seen in the above photo). She picked out a gift to bring to the hospital for him when he's born and she keeps talking about that day to come with the anticipation of a child preparing for their first visit to Disney World!
This week I finalized my top choice for baby boy's name and I think Blair has too. Though we will probably have to meet the little one before deciding, it is wonderful to finally feel like he will not remain nameless indefinitely.
In short, I am very ready, Blair is nearly ready, no one has told the little boy with the quick heartbeat that it's time to settle down in there but we're bracing ourselves for whatever is to come!