...give thanks to the LORD, call on his name; make known among the nations what he has done... isaiah 12:4


Wednesday, May 23, 2012

38 Months with Ava

There have been a few new developments in Ava's little world since I posted about her last.

She is wearing panties for nap time!  Only a mother could headline with this news.  Though she has been potty trained for over a year, up until a few weeks ago she was still wetting her pull-up at both nap and bed times.  This big step is big news in our house!

Ava is going potty all by herself!  I am most proud of her newfound ability to get up in the morning, go to the bathroom by herself and get back in bed until her clock says she is allowed to wake up.

Whether out of desire or necessity, Ava has become quite the pro at solo play.  She is so fun to watch, her imagination is at it's peak and she will talk to herself and her toys for hours some days.

Despite her incredible memory and skills in speech and other areas, Ava has yet to master the alphabet.  She is actually quite uninterested, doesn't recognize most of her letters and I think she lies about the ones she does know just so I'll leave her alone about it.

Ava, my love, you are so sweet.  And stubborn!
You are just like your mama and you are quite the even match for me.
You love to rough house with daddy and play pretend with mommy.
You are encouraging, insightful, witty and full of fire.
Though it gives me a headache, I will do whatever it takes to make sure your firey little self never dims a bit.

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