It has happened. Our little baby just turned one! Is it normal to feel like I aged about three years while she aged just one? Hopefully that will not become a trend. Though this year has been a whirlwind and it seems impossible that she is a year old, when I look at Ava it also feels so right and natural to pass through this milestone. She has grown up SO much and is starting to become such a little person. It is a delight (to say the least) to be her mommy and watch her grow and change every day.
I've always understood why parents might be proud of their kids when they graduate high school or college, or when they do well on a test or win something. I was not prepared, however, for the feelings of immense pride in my little girl for simply turning one. She didn't have to "do" anything per say to make it happen but my goodness, I find myself bursting with pride every time she stands, takes a step, says a little word, makes eye contact, shows off her sense of humor, figures out how to get herself from one place to another--because all of these things are things I saw happen for the first time. And then saw her work to perfect them. It is an incredible feeling to see your little one come so far and to see and love the emerging little kid within.
I find myself wanting to "reward" Ava with a little more independence but am daily reminded that she is still just a little pipsqueak. One example: Lately Ava's been interested in looking out the window and we have one where the sill is just about at nose height when she stands on her tippy toes. One afternoon I was doing dishes and could see Ava out of the corner of my eye. In what seemed like seconds I looked over at her and she had pulled her daddy's guitar case over to the window, climbed up on it, and was teetering on top to see out the window! Needless to say: One-year-old does not equal self-sufficient but it has given me a little nudge into toddler country. Now is the time to let Ava skin her knee and get a splinter in her hand and bang her head, all in the name of exploration of her world. It is fun to loosen the reigns a little and see what she does with a little more freedom. She is such a sweet girl, cautious and observant; we love watching her make choices and learn about her abilities and boundaries.
At one year, here are some of Ava's favorites:
Favorite books: Other than the old standards, some recent favorites are Busy Little People, A Night Night Prayer and Pat the Bunny. She also still loves Baby Giggles, Tickle Tickle, Goodnight Moon and First Words.
Favorite items (we'll start with this since she likes these better than toys): Pillows!, Shoes (hers and ours), TV remote, her baby bottle, anyone's cell phone and all the plastic bottles that need to go down to recycling. Also flowers, balloons and pictures of babies!
Favorite toys: Any that play music or make noise including her Leap Frog alphabet spinner, musical telephone and crawl ball, yellow jingle ball, pretty much all her new birthday toys including her baby stroller, leggos, stacking blocks and play food.
Favorite foods: Blueberries (by far), Strawberries, Banana, Peas, anything off mommy's plate though a favorite is pizza!
Must haves: Ducky. When we travel or go anywhere the only thing we know we need is this. Duck Duck. Everything else is replaceable.
Favorite Activities: Dancing, somersaults or any other gymnastics or death defying tumble, hide and seek, chasing, walking (mostly with help), petting friendly dogs, and going through drawers in the kitchen and emptying out all contents.
Favorite Songs: It is interesting how much of a preference she shows but she definitely loves music. She loves Happy Birthday & Itsy Bitsy Spider the most right now. Oh and the theme song to the cartoon "Dragon Land"!
Ava... Where is She Now?
Ava is in between sizes 12 and 18 months and in size 4 diapers. She drinks well from a sippy cup now and is doing two cow's milk feedings and two breastfed. She is down to two naps and thankfully with the coming of daylight savings is waking up later! She wakes at 8am and naps from 10-12 and 2-4, then goes down for the night at 8pm. The most consecutive steps she has taken on her own is 4 but her interest in walking with help is high and she loves to practice. No hair. No teeth. Her 12 month doctor's appointment isn't until the 26th so we'll have to wait until then to know her height and weight but we know she's at least over 20 lbs. Definitely not the heavyweight champ she was as a baby though, she has slowed down in that department!
Personality Traits at 1 Year: Cautious, careful, deliberate, content, smiley (happy), low-key, quiet, loves people but slow to warm, loves to dance and show off for company, cuddly, GREAT sense of humor, very aware and curious about her surroundings, studies new people, very loving.
We had a wonderful birthday party for Ava on the 14th, an album of our favorite shots is posted to the left. A lot of family and friends were present and made her birthday so special for us. Again I was not prepared for how big of a deal that day would be for me emotionally, to have conquered the first year and also to know that my baby is growing up. I am so glad we could share it with so many people who we love and who love Ava! She did wonderfully, despite missing a morning nap--she loved the attention, the new toys and clothes, and sort of enjoyed the cake! On her actually birthday (the 15th) I was home alone with her and tried filling her day with sweets and surprises but she wasn't too interested. I made pancakes in the morning which I thought for sure she'd enjoy but she much preferred her banana! And then I tried giving her some cake again at lunch but she was totally uninterested. She does like powdered donuts I've found but otherwise really isn't into sweets. She definitely got that from her dad.
Now we enter the second year. I am so looking forward to it and all the new milestones that we'll hit in the coming months. What excitement each day brings when you have a little person running around who is taking all the world in for the first time. Ava's character and personality are so precious and so fun to watch blossom as she gets older. Most mom's always say, "every stage is your favorite until the next one comes" and I never really could figure out why that was true. But, I think it's because regardless of what new challenges each stage brings, it also opens up a new door to getting to know your child better. The first time Ava started smiling and laughing brightened my world but now she has a sense of humor and can do things solely because she knows it will make me laugh. As her personality becomes more evident it somehow allows me to love her even more as there is more to love! It's an amazing process and one that I am so thankful and grateful for. We are so blessed to be Ava's parents and she has taught us SO much. We love you baby girl!
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