Last night was the first night I didn't breastfeed Ava before bed (or at all). It went pretty well, she definitely wanted to but still went to sleep pretty quickly thankfully. I was a mess but we had guests over (on purpose) so that was a good distraction. I was weeping through the whole night but thankfully Ava slept well, woke up late and was acting normal and happy this morning which is making it easier on mommy. Everything in my body was screaming last night, "You're making a mistake! Start breastfeeding her all over again!" but I knew it was time. This was definitely one of the best things I've ever done, especially as she got older and it got easier and more interactive, and I will miss it! I hear this detachment gets easier though so I'm waiting for that. Ava is also getting more independent with her sippy cup, sometimes she will sit in my lap and drink it but often now she wants to do it on her own. My little baby is not so little anymore...
This morning I had a fantastic mommy-baby moment though and I cherish those! I came into the living room and laid down on the floor. Ava threw herself at me so she was lying on my tummy and smooshed her cheek into mine. She stayed like this for a good 45 seconds or so, smooshing and laughing and then lifted her head up and gave me three big wet kisses on the lips. I LOVE this new affectionate little girl and I soak up every bit of it I can!
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