...give thanks to the LORD, call on his name; make known among the nations what he has done... isaiah 12:4


Thursday, October 14, 2010

19 Months

As previously stated, this month has been overwhelmingly marked by Ava's growing vocabulary. She astounds me daily with the new words that will pop out of her mouth and the semi-sentences that come adorably trailing off her tongue. Here are the words of the month:

Hat, cheerios (chuice-ohs), apple, butterfly (buh-by), mop, (re)mote, wipe, wait, help, peas, book, puffs (bups), moon, milk, up, watch, cheese, jump, pumpkin, wall, ouch, home, peekaboo, music, stool, wet, towel, cup, bowl, house, paper, dirt, ew, rock, step, peeking, boots, stop, vacuum, juice, flower, pool and piggy. Also, "right back", "was is sat?" (what is that), "where'dt go?" and labeling items as "mommy's" or "daddy's". Just since starting this post this morning, Ava has said, purple, blue and heart. Add em' to the list!

Ava has become quite the little climber and adventurer this month and for the first time climbed the back of the couch on her own! No, not the usual front of the couch, mom looks over and finds baby sitting triumphantly. I'm talking about up onto the couch and then climbing up the back until precariously teetering on the tippy top, holding onto the window sill for support. It doesn't help her curiosity that she LOVES looking out the window pretty much more than any other activity. Our poor neighbors have a very committed stalker who knows every time they go to the mailbox, take their dogs for a walk, come, go, wash their car or mow their lawn! Ava's other victory of the month was learning to walk backwards and she loves to show this skill off for company.

In the last couple of weeks, Ava has started bringing me pieces of paper and wanting me to draw pictures for her. Her objects of choice are usually babies, but also include hair dryers, planes, clocks and moons. Speaking of... this month Ava has discovered the moon and every night we go out looking for it (and every morning. and afternoon.). Of course about two days after she fell in love with its celestial magnificence, the moon went into hiding and did not rise or set during her times awake. What a let down. But, a couple of days ago we were outside playing in the evening when I hear her running running running and then, "Moon! Mommy! Moon!". Excitement does not explain the emotion bursting from that little girl.

Ava's top teeth have been threatening to pop for a couple months now and just these last two weeks the teething has been hard. This morning Ava slept in (until 9:15!) for the first time in weeks which is usually a sign that the teeth will finally come through the gums in the next couple days. Thank you Lord! I am so excited to see my baby with top teeth and to relieve her of the pain that must be unbearable considering the length of time her little pearlies take to show themselves!

I caved and gave Ava juice for the first time this month! Doctor's don't recommend it anymore and we don't keep it in the house so it has never been an issue for us. I have tried to be very mindful of what I give Ava and though she gets treats every now and then, it is not something she expects or even knows the words for. A little while ago though, we got the ingredients for smoothies and therefore had apple juice in the fridge. After a boo boo Ava got one day, I decided to soothe her with a little juice treat and man was it a hit! We did half juice, half water and I will say, though I'm not a proponent of lots of juice drinking, it was still a great way to hydrate her a little bit and make her feel better!

Finally, another great story to illustrate Ava's developmental progress. For a long time Ava has mimicked adult behavior--stirring in her bowl, using a phone or cleaning with mommy. But this morning Ava actually set up her first make believe scenario and it was such a sweet moment! She was on her little car driving away saying "Bye mommy, bye bye" and blowing kisses, until she started repeating the word "work" over and over. I didn't quite get what she was trying to say but finally answered, "Ava, are you going to work like daddy?" and she says, "Yeah!" and gets on her car and drives away saying, "Bye bye mommy. Work!". I suggested she get her bag and put some things in it for work and she loved the idea. She gathered the essentials: a small bucket and a phone, slung her bag over her shoulder and off to work she went. Yesterday she visited daddy's office for the first time and it obviously made a big impression!

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