...give thanks to the LORD, call on his name; make known among the nations what he has done... isaiah 12:4


Monday, October 18, 2010

A Visit From Grammy and Pappy

We are ever so blessed that two of Ava's favorite people live just an hour and a half away. On Friday we had a fun-filled visit from Grammy (who Ava is now calling "Mimi") and Pappy. Here are the pictures to prove it!

Note to my Mom: If you click on any of these pictures, you can open them in a new window, right click and save to your computer.

My lovely mama

Ava loves to imitate Pappy!

Pappy making Ava laugh

Pappy is a great juggler, or as Ava would say, "Guggle Pappy? Guggle?"


the indiansandpirates said...

Loved seeing this! Mark's mom was initially Grammy, but she is MIMI now. :)

Erin and Jonathan said...

Love this!!
I love her smiling with her Mimi and Pappy <3 To precious!